Ctwm - My new favourite window manager

I have recently been experiencing the joy of running a simple yet powerful *old school window manager.

Its full name is: Clives tabbed window manager. And it goes back to the early nineties. I wanted to install a wm, that would keep out of the way and yet have all those useful fuctions I have come to love in modern wm’s. Follows is a list of the fucntions I have added:

  • Rofi a modern menu, just with a simple alt+d+space one can start any application
  • dmenu by pressing alt+shift+period.
  • there is a task switcher which can be used simply by using ctrl+left or right arrow keys.

    I haven’t bothered to do much with the menu, since I don’t really use it all that often. I have also given it a non-intrusive grey theme, so as to keep out of the way!