
A simple script to get a vanilla KDE Plasma Desktop on Void Linux

Version 1.0.1, updated 14-12-2022


bypass() { sudo -v while true; do sudo -n true sleep 45 kill -0 “$$” || exit done 2>/dev/null & } echo “Welcome to a simple script to get a vanilla KDE Plasma Desktop on Void Linux.” read -p “Would you like to continue (y/n)? “ installChoice

case “$installChoice” in # User wants to continue installation y|Y|yes|Yes|YES )

read -p "Would you like to perform a system upgrade before continuing (y/n)? " upgradeChoice
case "$upgradeChoice" in
  y/Y/yes/Yes/YES )
    echo "Upgrading system..."
    sudo xbps-install -Su
  n/N/no/No/NO )
    echo "Skipping system upgrade."

echo "Installing multilib and non-free repos..."
  sudo xbps-install -y void-repo-multilib void-repo-multilib-nonfree void-repo-nonfree

echo "Preparing to install packages..."
  echo "Installing build essentials and kernel headers..."
    sudo xbps-install -y base-devel make cmake rust cargo rsync
  echo "Installing graphics drivers..."
    sudo xbps-install -y intel-video-accel mesa-intel-dri mesa-vulkan-intel vulkan-loader #      echo "Installing fonts..." #        sudo xbps-install -y fontconfig font-iosevka ttf-material-icons nerd-fonts ttf-ubuntu-font-family terminus-font
  echo "Installing audio packages..."
    sudo xbps-install -y alsa-utils alsa-plugins-pulseaudio ffmpeg ffmpegthumbs pulseaudio pipewire
  echo "Installing desktop environment..."
    sudo xbps-install -y xorg kde5 kde5-baseapps xdg-user-dirs xdg-utils xtools
  echo "Installing utilities and system tools..."
    sudo xbps-install -y gvfs gvfs-mtp gzip ntp procps-ng udisks2 unzip zip ark wget curl plymouth bluez tlp tlp-rdw preload zstd
  echo "Installing additional applications..."
    sudo xbps-install -y neofetch htop alacritty kvantum timeshift qt5-devel exa grub-customizer spectacle kcalc gwenview fbv ntfs-3g telegram-desktop hplip octoxbps qbittorrent
    # Edit the following list of additional applications or replace them with your own preferences
    # Code editor
    echo "Installing Text Editors..."
    sudo xbps-install -y micro kate nano
    # PDF reader
    echo "Installing Evince..."
    sudo xbps-install -y okular
    # Web browser
    echo "Installing Firefox..."
    sudo xbps-install -y firefox
    # Screenshot utility
    # Image editor
    echo "Installing GIMP..."
    sudo xbps-install -y gimp
    # Office suite
    echo "Installing LibreOffice..."
    sudo xbps-install -y libreoffice
    # Audio and video player
    echo "Installing VLC..."
    sudo xbps-install -y vlc
    # Audio recording and streaming
    echo "Installing OBS Studio..."
    sudo xbps-install -y obs
    # File manager...atool is installed for the ranger_archives plugin to work properly
    echo "Installing Ranger..."
    sudo xbps-install -y ranger atool
    # Install ZSH and Oh My ZSH
    echo "Installing ZSH..."
    sudo xbps-install -y zsh
echo "Configuring system..."
  echo "Setting up services..."
    sudo sed -i "s/--noclear/--noclear\ --skip-login\ --login-options=$USER/g" /etc/sv/agetty-tty1/conf
sudo rm -f /var/service/agetty-tty{3,4,5,6}
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /var/service/
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/sddm /var/service/
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/NetworkManager /var/service/

echo "Starting services..."
sudo sv up dbus
sudo sv up sddm
sudo sv up NetworkManager 

echo "All done! Please reboot for all changes to take effect."   ;;

# User does not want to continue installation. n|N|no|No|NO ) echo “Thanks for trying, Goodbye!”;; esac